Eric Hovind

Eric Hovind
Eric HovindEric Hovind is een frisse nieuwe stem, met een rijke scheppingswetenschappelijke erfenis. Hij brengt een verkwikkend en stimulerend nieuw begrip van de denkfouten die inherent zijn aan evolutionair denken. Eric groeide op in een christelijk gezin onder de voogdij van zijn vader, Dr. Kent Hovind. Hij zette zijn toewijding aan de bijbelse presentatie van de schepping voort door naar het Jackson Hole Bible College Jackson Hole Bible College en de Tennessee Temple University te gaan. Na zijn levensveranderende boodschap over onze Schepper meer dan 3500 keer gepresenteerd en gedebatteerd te hebben, in vijf vreemde landen en alle vijftig staten, leidt Eric ook de Creation Science Evangelism ministry terwijl hij doorgaat met het presenteren van nieuwe en opwindende uitdagingen aan de tegenstanders van de Bijbelse schepping.




1 - They are both religious

Beginnings session 1 - They are both religious

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Evolutionists claim that evolution is "science" and creation is "religion." Eric Hovind presents a case to show that evolution has nothing to do with science—that's right, both creation and evolution are religions.

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2 - How Old Is It?

Beginnings session 2 - How Old Is It?

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Do we really know that the earth is ancient? Have we heard the evidence from the other side? The truth is that the evidence points strongly to a young earth. In fact, even dinosaurs fit into this worldview. God has given us limiting factors observable by science that point to a young earth, and confirm the account given in Scripture of a young creation and of a global flood about 4,400 years ago.

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3 - It Was Good

Beginnings session 3 - It Was Good

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Did man really live to be hundreds of years old before the Flood, as the Bible says? Could there be a scientific and biblical explanation for dinosaurs and giant men? Why do we see suffering in the world if a good God created it? Creationism accounts for all of this with the Biblical account of Adam's Fall and Noah's Flood.

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4 - Dinosaurs With Man

Beginnings session 4 - Dinosaurs With Man

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Evidence for dinosaurs in modern history is abundant. Historical records substantiate the theory that dinosaurs lived with man. There is even reference to them in the Bible! The truth is, God created all living animals, and He told Noah to take them on the ark. Therefore, we should find much evidence that they lived with man - and we do!

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5 - Fact vs. Faith

Beginnings session 5 - Fact vs. Faith

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Perspective determines everything. Facts are absolute, but interpretation changes with the individual. Evolutionists are always trying to blur the line between the facts and their interpretations of the facts. They assert that their theories are fact rather than faith. In reality, the facts support the Biblical account of Creationism. Both Evolutionism and Creationism are faiths. They are perspectives. While the claims of Creationists are repeatedly being vindicated by science, Evolutionists base their entire faith upon lies, error, and deception.

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6 - The Truth

Beginnings session 6 - The Truth

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Some things are self-evidently true. They are axiomatic. YLees de handleiding van deze sessie (Engels talig)ou cannot have a painting without a painter, and you cannot have a creation without a Creator. Atheistic Evolutionists have to deny logic itself in order to argue against such obvious truth. Furthermore, they are approaching the truth from the wrong perspective, thus limiting their accuracy.

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Eric Hovind vs Bernie Dehler

Eric Hovind vs Bernie Dehler

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Eric Hovind (Christian, young earth creationist) and Bernie Dehler (atheist, secular humanist) debate at Portland State University. There were two main topics: evidence, and morality.

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Eric Hovind vs Beth Purkhiser

Eric Hovind vs Beth Purkhiser

Video Informatie -- Eric Hovind (Christian) and Beth Purkhiser (Atheist) have a live discussion to determine who has a consistent worldview: Christians or atheists? HOST:

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Eric Hovind vs Michael Shermer

Eric Hovind vs Michael Shermer

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Michael Shermer debates Eric Hovind on St. Louis Radio. 97.1.
(Glover Show, May 27, 2009)

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Eric Hovind vs Philip Gregory

Eric Hovind vs Philip Gregory

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Philip Gregory will debate Eric Hovind on the topic "Does GOD Exist."
Philip Gregory is a author, philosopher, musician, and firmly opposed to all organized religion. Eric Hovind is a devoted brother in Christ and will stop at nothing to spread the word of GOD.

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Eric Hovind (December 2009)

Eric Hovind vs Philip Gregory

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Tuesday December 8, 2009 Eric Hovind debates a graphical design instructor as well as a student who is a member of the Sacramento Freethinkers Club. No Biology instructor, nor a Physics, Astronomy, or Geology instructor, was willing to debate Eric Hovind.

"I have spoken to Physics/Astronomy and Geology instructors at my college about Creationism in the past and the most likely reason that none of them took part in the debate is because to them this is a dead issue. They have heard the same arguments again and again and participating in such a debate is neither worth their time nor is it constructive in any way. At worse, doing so may lead fence sitters to believe that there really is an argument to be made for the Creation side."

The original, posted by JRChadwick, footage and sound is not of great quality. Moreover, the original files were eight separate files. This video has been re-encoded in one long file and the sound has been enhanced. Note that no footage has been left out.

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Eric Hovind vs Frank Araujo

Eric Hovind vs Frank Araujo

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American River College Sacramento, CA May 7, 2009

The original, posted by magmango, footage and sound is not of great quality. Moreover, the original files were eight separate files. This video has been re-encoded in one long file and the sound has been enhanced. Note that no footage has been left out.

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Eric Hovind at LIFEWAY

Eric Hovind at LIFEWAY Baptist Church

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Eric Hovind at LIFEWAY
14-07-2013 Baptist Church Russia.
With a Russian Translator.

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Creation Minute (inclusief Nederlandse ondertiteling)


1 - How Big is Big? (EN,NL)

1 - How Big is Big? (EN)

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Creation Minute 1: How Big is Big?
Creation Minute 1: Hoe groot is groot? (NL ondertiteling)

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2 - Evolution Formula (EN,NL)

Creation Minute 2: Evolution Formula

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Creation Minute 2: Evolution Formula
Creation Minute 2: De evolutionaire formule (NL ondertiteling)

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3: The Grand Canyon (EN,NL)

Creation Minute 3: The Grand Canyon

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Creation Minute 3: The Grand Canyon
Creation Minute 3 - De Grand Canyon (NL ondertiteling)

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4 - Six Types of Evolution (EN,NL)

Creation Minute 4 - Six Types of Evolution

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Creation Minute 4 - Six Types of Evolution
Creation Minute 4 - Zes definities van evolutie (NL ondertiteling)

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5 - Flood Facts (EN,NL)

Creation Minute 5 - Flood Facts

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Creation Minute 5 - Flood Facts
Creation Minute 5 - De wereldwijde zondvloed (NL ondertiteling)

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6 - How Old Is The Earth?

Creation Minute 6 - How Old Is The Earth?

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Creation Minute 6 - How Old Is The Earth?

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7 - Evidence of God

Creation Minute 7 - Evidence of God

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Creation Minute 7 - Evidence of God

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8 - It All Adds Up

Creation Minute 8 - It All Adds Up

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Creation Minute 8 - It All Adds Up

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