Evolutie & Schepping


Evolutie & Schepping

Brian Catalucci (Seminars)

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Brian Catalucci grew up in a Christian home but attended public schools that taught evolution as man's beginnings. Brian was a fighter pilot in the Air National Guard for 20 years, and a Captain and pilot for a major national airline for over 32 years. In his early forties, he studied for a graduate degree in computer science. During that period of time, he began to realize that information was the building block of the entire universe. But where did all the information come from? He discovered that the laws of science, all of man's inventions, and all the computer algorithms and information systems people use have already existed in nature. Humans just figured out how to use them. For the first time in his life, Brian really believed there had to be a Creator God through whom all the information in the universe came into being. He found Him in the Lord Jesus Christ.

In 1993, Brian graduated with a Master's degree in computer science and engineering from the University Of Colorado. For 10 years, he was President of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship in Denver, Colorado, where he gave presentations and worked closely with AiG to bring many highly qualified speakers on creation topics to the Denver area. Brian has appeared on both TV and radio shows regarding Biblical and Creation Science topics, and has given many presentations all across the USA on Genesis, dinosaurs, aliens/UFOs, ancient man, and the founding fathers. He is presently an adjunct speaker for Answers in Genesis on a variety of topics, including Genesis, biblical creation, science, Christian apologetics, and the inerrancy of Scripture.

Brian has been married to his wife Lise for over 32 years and they now reside in Denver, Colorado. He is currently working on his PhD dissertation in theology and apologetics.

Yhis is a playlist with the following topics:

Genesis - 11 Why Does It Matter - Brian Catalucci (Seminar 1 of 5)
Verse By Verse Study of Genesis 1 - Brian Catalucci (seminar 2 of 5)
Verse By Verse Study of Genesis 2-3 - Brian Catalucci (Seminar 3 of 5)
The Ultimate Proof of Creation - Brian Catalucci (Seminar 4 of 5)
Evolution, Fact or Fiction - Brian Catalucci (Seminar 5 of 5)

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CSE Creation Boot Camp 2005

Origins - Series

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Watch as scientists, researchers and authors share relevant facts and thought-provoking evidence supporting creation. Join us for Cornerstone Network’s unique program — ORIGINS — and then decide for yourself the truth about your human origins.

These programs, seen on Cornerstone Network and our affiliates throughout the world, continue to offer a forum using scientific evidence to validate the truth of creation.

Host Dr. Donn Chapman reminds us, "It's God's view that He created you… and that should be your's too"

http://web.archive.org/web/20110305070257/http://originstv.blip.tv:80/file/4835364/ (original: http://originstv.blip.tv/file/4835364/) has an icon (image: that leads you to this page https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ which says:
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Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).

Visit the Origins website

Alle 76 afleveringen

26:30 Weather Insights with Dr Donald DeYoung

26:31 Ultimate Proof with Dr Jason Lisle

26:29 Where Darwin Went Wrong? with Dr Steve Austin

24:08 Primary igneous origin of salt formations - Stef Heerema

26:29 Age of the Earth - part 1 - Intro to RATE with Dr Larry Vardiman

26:30 Age of the Earth - part 2 - Helium Diffusion Rates with Dr Larry Vardiman

26:31 Age Of The Earth - Part 3 - Radiohalo Studies with Dr Larry Vardiman

26:32 Age Of The Earth - Part 4 - Carbon 14 Isotopes with Dr Larry Vardiman

26:30 Analyzing an Outdated Theory Evolution with Ralph Muncaster

26:29 Bible Earthquakes with Dr Steve Austin

26:31 Blunders in Reasoning by Evolutionists with Dr Jason Lisle

26:30 Breath of Life Part 1 - Lungs & Blood with Dr David Menton

26:30 Breath of Life Part 2 - Lungs & Blood with Dr David Menton

26:30 Center of the Universe with Dr Russell Humphreys

26:30 Creation Astronomy with Dr Jason Lisle

26:30 Creation Genetics & Adam Our Ancestor with Dr Robert Carter

26:32 Creation Stories with Dr Jerry Bergman

26:29 Creation Week with Dr Donald DeYoung

26:32 Design in Astronomy with Dr Danny Faulkner

26:31 Discovery by Design with Dr Donald DeYoung

26:28 Elements of Our Skin with Dr David Menton

28:32 Evolution - The Grand Experiment - Part 1 with Dr Carl Werner

28:30 Evolution - The Grand Experiment - Part 2 with Dr Carl Werner

28:29 Evolution - The Grand Experiment - Part 3 with Dr Carl Werner

26:31 Evidence For a Young World - Part 1 with Dr Russell Humphreys

26:59 Evidence For a Young World - Part 2 with Dr Russell Humphreys

26:28 Creation vs Evolution with Dr Brad Harrub

26:28 Elements of Our Hair with Dr David Menton

26:31 Eve: Real Evidence with Dr Robert Carter

26:30 Evolution Indoctrination with Dr Brad Harrub

28:30 Evolution Roadblocks with Ralph Muncaster

26:30 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - Part 1 with Dr David Menton

26:31 Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - Part 2 with Dr David Menton

26:32 Formed to Fly with Dr. David Menton (dinosaur - bird evolution refuted)

27:32 Galileo with Dr. Jerry Bergman

26:27 Global Warming with Dr Larry Vardiman

26:33 Human Cloning with Dr Brad Harrub

26:28 Hypercanes Following the Genesis Flood with Dr. Larry Vardiman

26:32 Irreducible Complexity - with Dr. Jerry Bergman

28:32 Living Fossils with Dr Carl Werner - part 1

28:37 Living Fossils with Dr Carl Werner - part 2

26:29 Magnetic Fields with Dr D Russell Humphreys - part 1

26:30 Magnetic Fields with Dr D Russell Humphreys - part 2

26:30 Mars, Venus and Creation with Dr Danny Faulkner

26:30 Mutation Malfunctions and Eve with Dr Robert Carter

26:27 Noah's Flood - Washing Away Millions of Years with Dr Terry Mortenson

26:18 Making the Case for Creation with Ron Rhodes

26:29 Mount St Helens - Explosive Evidence for Creation with Dr Steve Austin

26:32 Science - The Whole Story with Dr Danny Faulkner

26:34 Slaughter of the Dissidents with Dr Jerry Bergman

26:33 Starlight and Time with Dr Russell Humphreys

26:31 Statistical Impossibility of Evolution with Ralph Muncaster

26:29 Super Volcanoes with Dr Steve Austin

26:30 The Miracle of Development - Part 1 - with Dr Paul A Nelson

28:33 The Miracle of Development - Part 2 - with Dr Paul A Nelson

26:31 The Impact of Craters with Dr Danny Faulkner

26:16 The Hearing Ear with Dr David Menton

26:27 The Big Freeze (Ice Age) with Dr Larry Vardiman

26:29 The Mystery of Coal with Dr Steve Austin

26:28 The Scientific Accuracy of the Bible with Dr Brad Harrub

26:28 The Seeing Eye with Dr David Menton

26:29 Shaping Earth's Surface - Evidence for the Global Flood - Part 1 - with Michael Oard

26:29 Shaping Earth's Surface - Part 2 - with Michael Oard

26:29 Big Bang or Big God with Dr Danny Faulkner
26:30 Sodom & Gomorrah - Part 1 - with Dr Steve Austin

26:29 Sodom & Gomorrah - Part 2 - with Dr Steve Austin

26:31 The Fossil Record with Dr Jerry Bergman

26:33 Persuaded by the Evidence with Dr Jerry Bergman

26:30 Our Created Moon with Dr Donald DeYoung

26:35 Continental Sprint with Dr Steven Austin - Part 1

26:36 Continental Sprint with Dr Steven Austin - Part 2

28:30 Continental Sprint with Dr. Steven Austin - Part 3

26:32 The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Part 1 - with Dr Andrew Snelling

26:31 The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Part 2 - with Dr Andrew Snelling

26:33 What About Comets with Dr Danny Faulkner

26:29 Was Darwin Wrong? with Dr Brad Harrub

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The Voyage That Shook...

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In 1831 a young amateur scientist, Charles Darwin, boarded HMS Beagle on an epic five-year voyage of discovery. His observations and later reflections resulted in a book that profoundly impacted the world. 2009 marked the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his 'Origin of Species'. The Voyage that Shook the World retraces Darwin's journey, exploring the places and discoveries crucial to the formulation of his Theory of Evolution.

Filmed in South America, the UK, North America, Australia and Europe, The Voyage features dramatic period recreations and stunning nature cinematography interwoven with scholars sharing their perspectives on the man and the controversy.

A fascinating and thought-provoking opportunity to gain new insight into The Voyage that Shook the World.

Visit Creation Ministries International for more information on a width variety of topics

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Documentaire waarin Ben Stein praat met allerlei wetenschappers, leraren en filosofen die het wagen om de theorie van Darwin in twijfel te trekken. De heersende wetenschap heeft slimme nieuwe ideeën uit de klas geweerd...
Wat ze vergeten is dat iedere generatie zijn Rebel heeft! Deze rebel, Ben Stein (Ferris Bueller's Day Off) reist, op zijn zoektocht, de wereld af en ontdekt een ontzagwekkende waarheid... Onderwijzers en wetenschappers worden belachelijk gemaakt, geweigerd in ambtstermijn en zelfs ontslagen - voor de volgende misdaad:
"Geloven dat er misschien bewijs van 'ontwerp' in de natuur is en dat het leven misschien niet alleen voortkomt uit toevalligheid en willekeur"

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A Question of Originssubtitle

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Onderzoek naar het scheppings- en evolutiegeschil.

Gedurende de laatste eeuw hebben velen wereldwijd de evolutietheorie als een feit geaccepteerd. Echter, recente ontdekkingen op bijna elk gebied van de wetenschap spreken deze van-moleculen-tot-mens theorie tegen. Zoektocht naar de oorsprong van het leven neemt u mee op een inspirerende reis door wetenschap en de Schrift in de speurtocht naar het begin van het mensdom. De evolutietheorie is toegepast op de meeste gebieden van de wetenschap, en deze film onderzoekt de laatste ontdekkingen op het gebied van kosmologie, chemie en biologie. Bevestigt het waarneembare bewijs de evolutie? Of heeft het evolutionaire vooroordeel velen verblind voor de overweldigende gegevens welke wijzen naar een ontzagwekkende Schepper?

Het begrijpen van de echte oorsprong van de mens is essentieel in het bepalen van iemands bestemming. Deze visueel rijke film toont overtuigend bewijs dat het universum en al het leven geschapen werden. Bovendien openbaart wetenschappelijke voorkennis, die alleen in de Bijbel gevonden wordt, dat de God van de Bijbel de Schepper is. Het zien van Zoektocht naar de oorsprong van het leven is essentieel wanneer iemand vragen of twijfels heeft aangaande de wetenschappelijke juistheid van het Woord van God.
  • Is ons zonnestelsel door de oerknal ontstaan?
  • Kunnen chemische samenstellingen zich spontaan tot leven ontwikkelen?
  • Verklaart evolutie de grote variëteit van leven op aarde?

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Evolutie: Feit of Fictie?subtitle

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Is de evolutietheorie gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onweerlegbare feiten, of is het eigenlijk niet meer dan een filosofie, gebaseerd op de uitleg die mensen aan bepaalde feiten geven?

Deze vraag staat centraal.
Het leidt tot verrassende conclusies die veel van de zogenaamde "feiten" ontmaskeren als fictie.

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Life's Storysubtitle

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Het scheppings- en evolutiedebat heeft al meer dan 150 jaar gewoed. Het debat is nu voorbij!

Wat bewijst modern DNA-onderzoek aangaande de theorie dat al het leven op aarde uit simpele cellen is ontstaan?
Wat is het antwoord?
Eenvoudigweg dat evolutie onmogelijk is. Waarom wordt deze informatie dan voor het algemene publiek achtergehouden? Zouden de theorieën van Darwin nog steeds onderwezen moeten worden op onze scholen?

Dit ongewone, niet eerder vertoonde, natuurprogramma neemt u mee op reis om het verhaal van het leven zelf te ontdekken. Het onderzoekt de fundamenten van natuurlijke selectie die al meer dan 150 jaar geloofd worden.
  • In hoeverre kunnen dieren veranderen?
  • Waarom zijn zoveel soorten afhankelijk van een andere soort om te overleven?
  • Waar komen instinct en intelligentie vandaan?
  • En wat tonen de ontwerpen van hedendaagse levende schepselen over hun geschiedenis?
Het filmen en de research vonden plaats gedurende een periode van vijf jaar in tien verschillende landen. Life's Story onderzoekt bovengenoemde kwesties en vele meer in één van de meest verbazingwekkende en informatieve natuurprogramma's ooit.

Ontdek de bekwaamheden van papagaaivissen en dolfijnen, de gewoonten van struisvogels en gnoes, en de vaardigheden en instincten van cheeta's, giraffen en leeuwen.

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Drama in the Rockssubtitle

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Drama in de rotsen Deze documentaire laat één van de meest opzienbarende wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen van deze eeuw zien.

De video toont in ruim een half uur het mechanisme van het ontstaan van gesteenteformaties en afzettingslagen en raakt daarmee de kennis en het geloof van de wereld aan waarin wij leven.

Het onderzoek, dat op deze band wordt getoond, is gehouden door de Fransman Guy Berthault en is bekroond door de Franse Academie van Wetenschappen.
Presentator is Peter Wilders.
Deze Engelstalige documentaire is in het Nederlands ondertiteld.

Deze documentaire toont zowel de wetenschappers als de experimenten die zij hebben uitgevoerd.
Het behandelt onderwerpen zoals de ouderdom van de aarde, de ouderdom van fossielen en gidsfossielen en de evolutietheorie.

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Icons of evolution

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"True science and freedom of thought are inseparable, but as this video shows, some scientists prefer power to truth."
-Philip Johnson (author of darwin on trial)

Are students learning the whole truth about Darwin's theory of evolution?
According to a growing number of scientists, the surprising answer is no.
They claim that many of the most famous "Icons of Evolution" -including Darwin's "Tree of Life" finches from the Galapagos Islands, and embryos that look remarkably similar - are based on outdated research and sloppy logic. They say students are being hurt by the failure to present both sides of an emerging scientific debate over Darwin's theory. Come explore this fascinating new conflict over evolution in the classroom - a conflict based on science, not religion.

Learn about the controversy that engulfs one town when a teacher actually tries to tell students that some scientists disagree with Darwin. From the Galapagos Islands to China, Icons of Evolution will take you on a fast-paced, fascinating journey into one of the most controversial issues in today's public arena.

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Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life

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"Kijkt men naar de onvoorstelbare complexiteit van het leven, dan komt onvermijdelijk de vraag naar boven: hoe is dit alles ontstaan?"
-Michael Behe (biochemicus)

In 1859 publiceerde Charles Darwin het boek "De Oorsprong der Soorten".
In dit boek beweerde hij dat al het leven op de aarde het product was van ongestuurde natuurlijke processen: tijd, toeval en natuurlijke selectie.

Na Darwin hebben biologen zulke processen als verklaring gezien voor de oorsprong van het leven. Maar nu wordt dit meer en meer in twijfel getrokken.

"Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life" vertelt ons over de theorie van intelligent design (intelligent ontwerp). Met gebruikmaking van buitengewone computeranimatie neemt "Unlocking The Mysteries Of Life" u mee naar het inwendige van de levende cel, om daar de systemen en mechanismen te onderzoeken die onmiskenbaar de kenmerken van een ontwerp in zich dragen, zoals rotatiemotoren die met 100.000 toeren per minuut ronddraaien of de biologische informatie, die nodig is om de essentiële onderdelen van ieder levend organisme op de aarde in elkaar te zetten.

Deze indringende documentaire onderzoekt een concept dat de kracht heeft om heel onze kijk op het leven overhoop te gooien en om de oorsprong van het leven voor ons te ontsluiten.

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Dinosaurs & Dragon Legends

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Explore the biblical record, the fossil record, and dragon stories from around the world in this collection of videos from the Creation Museum.

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Dragonflies Defy Evolution

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Dragonflies Defy Evolution
Dragonflies are incredible fliers, with the ability to even fly backwards! The modern day helicopter is based off of this insects design! How could this little insect accidentally evolve such complex flying capabilities?

For the whole DVD go to: explorationfilms.com.

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Woodpecker defies Evolution

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Woodpecker defies Evolution
Woodpeckers are so uniquely designed for their specific tasks that their amazing features defy evolutionary thinking! Learn about their one-of-a-kind tongue and shock absorbent skulls!

For the whole DVD go to: explorationfilms.com.

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Melipona Bee Defies Evolution

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Melipona Bee Defies Evolution
The vanilla orchid only blooms one morning per year and only the Melipona Bee knows how to pollinate the vanilla flower!

For the whole DVD go to: explorationfilms.com.

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Mussels Defy Evolutionsubtitle

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Freshwater mussels Defy Evolution
Prove that animal designs can only be attributed to a creator. They can not possibly be explained by evolution. These programs will inspire you more to look at the world around you.

For the whole DVD go to: explorationfilms.com.

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Presuppositions Evolutionsubtitle

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Presuppositions Incredible creatures Defies Evolution
Prove that animal designs can only be attributed to a creator. They can not possibly be explained by evolution. These programs will inspire you more to look at the world around you. In this part the presuppositions behind the evolution theory are discussed.

For the whole DVD go to: explorationfilms.com.

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Fingerprints of creationsubtitle

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Fingerprints of Creation is a 33 minute video detailing the evidence polonium halos offer that the Earth was rapidly formed and did not cool over millions of years. The video, shot mostly in California takes the viewer to picturesque Yosemite National Park during the winter and the regions surrounding Palm Springs and Bishop where granites are plainly visible. Three-dimensional graphic animations are included to help convey the process of halo formation from nuclear particles. Instrumentation similar to that used to gather the published data on the polonium halos is shown along with simple demonstrations which illustrate the basic concepts of a short-lived nuclear emitter. Dr. Gentry explains the history of the origin of granite and scientists' attempts to arrive at a universally accepted model of its formation. Brief commentaries on Robert Gentry's research are given by Dr. Bruce Holman, Wisconsin Lutheran College, and Dr. Andrew Snelling, Creation Science Foundation of Australia. Dr. Snelling comments on granite formation theories comprise the final minutes of the video.

Dr. Gentry's website - halos.com

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The Young Age of the Earthsubtitle

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Robert Gentry provides revolutionary scientific evidence for a model of Earth history in which...
  • the sedimentary layers composing the Grand Canyon were deposited quickly instead of slowly
  • the Grand Canyon was formed over a short time by fast erosional processes
  • granites, the foundation rocks of the Earth, formed rapidly instead of by slow cooling
  • life forms did not appear spontaneously, but by design
  • coal and oil can form rapidly, and did so recently
  • dinosaurs existed not millions of years ago, but just a few thousand years ago
  • natural laws, the glue which hold the entire evolutionary framework together, cannot explain everything in Earth's history

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Christenen worden wel eens beschuldigd van indoctrinatie. Deze beschuldigingen worden vaak geuit door voorstanders van de evolutietheorie of door atheïsten. Dit soort beschuldigingen vinden vooral plaats als het gaat om het debat over schepping en evolutie: "Kinderen worden gehersenspoeld met creationistische propaganda!"

In tegenstelling tot deze bewering is in dit filmpje is te zien dat het juist het evolutie-denken is dat systematisch wordt opgedrongen. Het gaat om een kleine greep uit een bibliotheek van een lagere school.

Tja, zo de waard is, vertrouwd hij zijn gasten.

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Forbidden History I

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Forbidden History I - Dinosaurs and the Bible

Dinosaurs and the Bible is a 60 minute documentary by Jeff Jack of
Restoring Genesis Ministries that presents evidence showing that dinosaurs did not go extinct millions of years ago, but instead lived very recently and were well known to ancient humans.

Did you know that the word 'dinosaur' was not invented until 1841. Prior to this what did people call dinosaurs? Dragons... Nearly every culture had names for them and regularly mentioned them in their written historical documents. But written evidence of dinosaurs and man is just the beginning. There is also physical evidence in the form of art work, drawings, sculptures, and other artefacts that have been discovered from many cultures throughout the world. Unfortunately, over the past 150 years, there has been an ongoing effort to suppress information and scientific data that contradicts prevailing scientific theories including the theory of evolution and deep time. Learn the truth about dinosaurs and how they fit into the Bible.
More information: http://www.forbidden-history.com/

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Forbidden History II

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Forbidden History II - Footprints in Stone.

Geeft het fossielen bestand ons bewijs voor een tegelijktijdig bestaan van de mens en dinosaurussen? Stel dat dat bewijs er is, wat zal er dan mee gedaan worden? En hoe zal de academische wereld er op reageren? Ga mee met dit avontuur en graaf in het verleden, verken het heden en ontdek the waarheid over dinosaurussen, de mens, en hun voetafdrukken in steen.

Meer informatie: http://www.footprintsinstone.com/

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Evolution - A Crumbling Theory

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Evolution - A Crumbling Theory

Prior to the discovery of DNA the only thing evolutionists and creation scientists had to debate about were the morphology of fossils, bones and living species. Because the fossil record was overwhelmingly against the theory of evolution; such as the fact that the predicted gradualism was never observed and intermediate species were rarely found; the theory of evolution was dying a slow death.

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When DNA was discovered in 1953, the theory of evolution should have died on the spot because now creation scientists had a new tool to disprove the theory of evolution. That tool was probability. But the theory of evolution did not die even after the Wistar Symposium in 1966.

What has happened is that the scientific establishment's total and absolute control of the media has completely buried the mathematical and genetic problems with the theory of evolution.

The blacklisting of the problems with the theory of evolution is so complete that many people today do not even know that there are scores of anti-evolution books which are very critical of the theory of evolution.

But in the process of burying the creation scientists, the scientific establishment had a lot of outside help!! Various "charities," ultra wealthy families, and other organizations (such as the American Civil Liberties Union), spent many, many, many millions of dollars exercising their massive influence over the media, the universities (via grant money) and the courts to the extent that these outside groups came to the rescue of the scientific establishment.

In fact, for reasons left to conspiracy historians, the theory of evolution started to flourish and today it is a very, very dominant scientific theory even though the scientific establishment still cannot address even the simplest criticisms of the theory of evolution.

Seven reasons why it is impossible that the theory of evolution could ever have happened anywhere in the Universe will now be discussed in summary form. After these seven sections, some additional criticisms will be discussed.

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Darwin Under the Microscope

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Darwin Under the Microscope: Lessons from History

Sylvia Baker

"With the rise of genetics and molecular biology, evidence is emerging that Darwinism is not the unlimited process we once thought."

Is it true that real science has to be done with a naturalistic world-view? Did the evolution-hypothesis contribute to technical and scientific breakthroughs? Sylvia Baker will answer this question.

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Evolution Vs. God

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Evolution Vs. God.

Available on DVD at:

Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world's top universities:

  • Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA
  • Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC
  • PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris
  • Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA
A study of the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin's finches and Lenski's bacteria-all under the microscope of the Scientific Method--observable evidence from the minds of experts. Prepare to have your faith shaken.


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Adam of aap

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De serie ‘Adam of aap?’ is genoemd naar de eerste uitzending. Een bijzondere uitzending, vooral vanwege de uitspraken, die de beroemde antropoloog dr. Leakey doet over de afstamming van de mens. Verder een interview met prof. Wilder Smith, een vooraanstaand natuurwetenschapper, die veel heeft geschreven over de problemen rondom geloof, schepping en evolutie.

Volgens de Bijbel heeft God de wereld in zes dagen geschapen, met alles wat erop leeft. In het decor is dat uitgebeeld in de zes voorstellingen van de scheppingsdagen. Volgens de evolutietheorie is de wereld ontstaan in een geleidelijk proces van miljarden en miljoenen jaren, waarbij er een ontwikkeling is geweest van ééncellig leven via vissen en zoogdieren tot de mens. Dat zijn dus twee totaal verschillende verklaringen voor het ontstaan van deze wereld. Op grond daarvan kun je voorspellingen doen, gevolgen nagaan, voor wat we zouden moeten vinden in deze wereld.

En in de eerste plaats kun je zeggen, dat volgens de evolutietheorie en een ontwikkeling moet zijn geweest van aap tot mens via bepaalde tussenvormen. Er moeten tussenvormen zijn geweest. Maar volgens de Bijbel is de mens apart geschapen.

Afl. 1: Adam of aap

Afl. 2: Het eerste ei

Afl. 3: Stom toeval

Afl. 4: De stenen spreken

Afl. 5: Schepping of evolutie?

Download het bijbehorende boekje (pdf)

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2011 Creation Super Conference

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If the reaction to CMI’s 2011 Super Conference from August 14–19 were to be summarized in a single word it would be, gratefulness. People expressed that they were simply grateful that CMI would organize such a conference. They were grateful for the speakers, for the information presented, for the Muskoka Bible Centre (MBC) facilities, for the food, and many other things. It was a week full of encouragement for all concerned.

Although there was some room left in the camp-ground, the main accommodations at MBC were completely filled (something that had never happened before) well in advance of the event. However, the Conference attendance was not limited to the 1000 adults plus 300 children at MBC (near Huntsville, ON Canada), there were about 35,000 people watching the sessions live on the Internet all over the world.

Bron downloads: https://creation.com/2011-creation-superconference-videos-on-demand

Day 1

Genesis: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Most church leaders agree that the western world is becoming ‘less Christian’ every year. Did this happen by chance, or is there a deeper issue? Like a giant puzzle, the church can’t seem to find the ‘missing piece’. Filled with relevant topics including science, ethics, evangelism, morality, history and Christian theology, this talk explains the key controversies surrounding the creation/evolution topic and equips Christians to understand why it is far from a side issue in the church.

Presented by Calvin Smith
Uploaded with permission from http://creation.com/

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Genesis and the Gospel Connection

This is a general introduction to the origins issue and why it is important to Christian theology. It deals with common misconceptions about science, ‘facts’ and Genesis, and demonstrates that many moral and social problems are the result the rejection of God as creator. It also explains how accepting ‘millions of years’ and trying to add it to the Bible causes massive theological inconsistencies, as well as being inconsistent with science. The conclusion is that the Bible's history makes sense of the observations from science.

Presented by Richard Fangrad
Uploaded with permission from http://creation.com/

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Geology and the Genesis Flood

The biblical Flood and geology—a closer look at plate tectonics and how they could explain the biblical Flood. An approach from world's mythology is also taken, proving the global character of the Flood. Evidence from the geologic and fossil records is analyzed and explained in accordance with the biblical account.

Presented by Dr Emil Silvestru
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Day 2

Genetics According to Jesus

The book of Genesis is a history book, not a science book. However, the book makes some grand claims about the past that should become evident as we explore the world through science. As a sound source for the history of man, we should be able to detect the major events of Genesis through modern genetics. There are three main events that, if they occurred at all, must have left an indelible mark on our genetic makeup: Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Each one of these can be clearly seen if one knows where to look!

Presented by Dr Robert Carter
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Refuting Compromise

A six day, young earth understanding of Genesis is the only one that comes from the text itself, which is why the rest of Scripture interprets it that way. Long-age views are a modern aberration that comes from imposing outside ideas of uniformitarian "science" upon the text. See how compromising views render the Bible meaningless to a dying world. You'll be encouraged and energized to hear there is no need for compromise and that there are answers. The evidence for Creation and the Bible's account of history is all around us if only we know how to look for it, and Jonathan will show you how to do just that!

Presented by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
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The Incarnation

  • First some brief items on the day and year of Jesus’ birth.
  • Jesus as Creator, as well as the divine Memra or Word of God. OT proves the deity of the Messiah.
  • The Kenosis: Jesus emptied himself, NOT by removing His divine attributes (despite what BioLogos claims), but by adding human ones. He laid aside the independent exercise of His divine power, submitting to the Father’s will, for the duration of His earthly life and ministry.
  • Jesus had to be human to take on the same nature as the ones He died for, and to be our Kinsman-Redeemer via common descent from Adam.
  • First prophecies in Genesis 3:15, related to Gen. 4:1-2, Isaiah 7:14.
  • How the Wise Men knew: they knew of the prophecies of Balaam and Daniel (timing of the Messiah’s arrival) but not Micah (place of birth).

Presented by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
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Universe by Design - Part 1 Big Bang or Big God

Universe by Design—Big Bang or Big God? (Part 1)
For more than 40 years the big bang theory has been the dominant model of the origin of the universe. Can this theory be reconciled with the Bible? How well does it fit the observational data? Does the big bang qualify as a scientific theory?

Presented by Dr Danny R. Faulkner
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Universe by Design - Part 2 Comets and the Age of the Solar System
Universe by Design - Part 3 Mars and Venus: Speaking of Creation


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Day 3

Alien Intrusion - Part 1

Surveys suggest that millions of people claim to have seen things in the sky that they believe to be alien craft. But is it even possible that highly advanced extraterrestrial beings could visit the earth from a galaxy far, far away? What is the biblical view about life on other planets? In this first lecture, Christian UFO specialist, Gary Bates, helps us lay a correct framework and to think critically and biblically about such popular cultural ideas. As such, it will help us discern the true nature of the phenomenon.

Presented by Gary Bates
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Alien Intrusion - Part 2


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Biological Information - the Signature of Life

There is a growing awareness that information is the unique non-material force which makes life possible. This growing awareness comes as we are discovery the labyrinth of informational networks in even the simplest cells. This cellular network is similar to today's Internet.

There is rapidly growing evidence that the principles of information run parallel to the laws of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics essentially says that matter and energy cannot just arise from nothing. This is also true of information - it does not arise spontaneously from matter, it only arise through the operation of intelligence. The second law of thermodynamics essentially says that useful things always degenerate into useless things, apart from intelligent intervention. This is also true of information - apart from intelligent intervention, information always degenerates. All this strongly indicates that the biological information networks within cells and organisms must have been intelligently designed, but should now be decaying. This growing new consensus provides astounding affirmation of the Biblical view of reality - that is a recent and miraculous creation, a fallen and dying world, and a profound need for a Saviour.

Presented by Dr John Sanford
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Coral Reefs and the Flood

The size and structure of coral reefs has been a strong argument for evolutionists ever since Darwin's famous book on the subject. Since coral reefs are limited to shallow depths, evolutionists claim the presence of extinct coral reefs deep in the ocean and deep in the rock record are an inexplicable puzzle for young-earth beliefs, yet this is not nearly the challenge evolutionists make it out to be. We will analyze several important reef claims, including the buried "reefs" associated with oil in Alberta, the Capitan "reef" of Texas and New Mexico, the incredible "reef" thickness of Eniwetok Atoll, and the relative youth of The Great Barrier Reef of Australia, showing that the evidence fits the timescale given in the Bible.

Presented by Dr Robert Carter
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Nuclear Physics and the Young Age of the Earth

What does nuclear physics have to do with the age of the earth? Well… everything… and nothing. How can that be? That sounds like unclear physics – but it will be made "crystal" clear during this session. The fallout from this session will be an understanding why young earth creationists do not need to be shielded from nuclear physics, as it is not harmful to their position but is more like radiation treatment destroying the cancer of long–ages.

Presented by Dr Jim Mason
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The Non–Mythical Adam and Eve

Many people believe science has proven that Adam and Eve never existed. In this presentation, Dr. Carter digs into the science of genetics, using the most up-to-date information, to show how Adam and Eve are completely consistent with the data. Instead of discrediting Genesis, modern science affirms that we came from just two ancestors who lived only a few thousand years ago.

Presented by Dr Robert Carter
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Day 4

By Design

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Presented by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
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Deep Time in Geology—Where does it come from

How geology confirms a young age of the earth. Some of the basic tenets of time interpretation—oth physical and geological—and the foundational geologic features are reviewed and re–explained in a young earth framework, revealing the many flaws of the millions–of–years interpretations and the fact that it is only the interpretation of the same facts by different paradigms that has created the great division between science and Christianity.

Presented by Dr Emil Silvestru
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Grand Canyon—A different view

This visually rich presentation (based primarily on Richard's own photographs) provides a 'virtual tour' of Grand Canyon based on his 5-day white-water rafting experience through the canyon in the mid-90's. The rocks and fossils provide evidence for rapid deposition of the sedimentary layers, and rapid erosion of the canyon. The earth's surface was dramatically changed during Noah's Flood. Grand Canyon provides evidence of this Flood.

Presented by Richard Fangrad
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Universe by Design—Part 2 Comets and the Age of the Solar System

Comets are astonishing objects, and our understanding of comets has changed tremendously over the years. We know that individual comets have lifetimes far less than billions of years, so their existence suggests that the solar system is much younger than generally thought. We will examine some of the responses that evolutionary scientists have for this problem.

Presented by Dr Danny R. Faulkner
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Universe by Design - Part 1 Big Bang or Big God
Universe by Design - Part 3 Mars and Venus: Speaking of Creation


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What About Dinosaurs

Most children (and adults) love dinosaurs! Sadly they are used by evolutionists to indoctrinate many kids into believing in millions of years of evolution that destroys the fundamental basis for the message of Jesus. Calvin Smith will be doing a special session on this topic for kids and adults alike. Learn the Biblical truth about these monsters that God made while examining a collection of fossils that show evidence of God's creation!

Presented by Calvin Smith
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Day 5

Alien Intrusion – Part 2

Why do people claim that they have been personally contacted or even abducted by entities claiming to be alien beings? What does this have to do with creation or evolution? From having met and counselled dozens of affected individuals, Gary reveals his unique and ground breaking research that blows the lids off the whole UFO phenomenon. It's more worrying than most think, but not surprisingly, we find that the Bible has the answers.

Presented by Dr. Gary Bates
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Alien Intrusion - Part 1


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Bringing Truth to Life and Witness

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Presented by Corey McKenna
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Is Intelligent Design Scientific

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Presented by Dr Emil Silvestru
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Mystery of the Genome

Dr John Sanford, one of the world's foremost experts on genetics traces the history of human genetic decline due to mutations in our DNA. The evidence is startling to those who don't believe in the Genesis account of Creation because it refutes conventional dates for alleged human evolution. This is powerful evidence for the Bible's timescale for human history.

Presented by Dr John Sanford
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Universe by Design—Part 3 Mars and Venus

Universe by Design—Part 3 Mars and Venus: Speaking of Creation

Our exploration of the two nearest planets to us have revealed very complex and diverse worlds. What we've learned bears strong evidence of design when compared to the earth, but these planets also give evidence of past catastrophic processes that appear similar to what might have happened during the Flood of Noah here on earth.

Presented by Dr Danny R. Faulkner
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Universe by Design - Part 1 Big Bang or Big God
Universe by Design - Part 2 Comets and the Age of the Solar System

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Day 6

Evangelism Strategies for an Evolutionized World

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Presented by Richard Fangrad
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The Descent of Darwin

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Presented by Pastor Joe Boot
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The Greatest Hoax on Earth

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Presented by Dr Jonathan Sarfati
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The Revelation of God in Creation

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Presented by Pastor Joe Boot
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Human evolution

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Bones of Contention: Human Evolution by Dr Marc Surtees Edinburg

Did humans evolve from apes? Zoologist Dr Marc Surtees examines the evidence.


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Evolution: The Evidence

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The series consists of 24 episodes, with lengths between 1 and 21 minutes. Together it’s a thorough examination of all the evidence for evolution. You may need to rethink everything you have learned about it. Watch them and decide for yourself if evolutionary theory is a good theory.

This video has been uploaded with permission from Geo Detective.

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Creation, Evolution & Science Ministries

Evolutie: Feit of Geloofsubtitle

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Is de evolutietheorie gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onweerlegbare feiten, of is het eigenlijk niet meer dan een filosofie, gebaseerd op de uitleg die mensen aan bepaalde feiten geven?

Deze vraag staat centraal. Het leidt tot verrassende conclusies die veel van de zogenaamde "feiten" ontmaskeren als fictie.

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Deconstructing Dawkins

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Deconstructing Dawkins by Paul Taylor

RMCF (http://youngearth.org) hosted prolific author Paul Taylor from Creation Today (http://creationtoday.org) at their March 9, 2012 meeting. Mr. Taylor is a high school science teacher, website programmer and ICT trainer, creation speaker and debater. Paul joined the Creation Today staff on April 25, 2011 as Director of Ministry Development.

He has been speaking and writing on the subject of creation for more than thirty years, most recently serving as the senior speaker and manager of Answers In Genesis ~ UK/Europe, the United Kingdom branch of the creationist organization based in Kentucky. He brings many assets to the Creation Today team by researching, writing, hosting TV and radio interviews, appearing on podcasts, and traveling and speaking. A native of Britain, Paul is a graduate of the universities of Nottingham and Cardiff. Paul has served as teacher of chemistry, physics, math, biology, and music, and also as Head of the Science Depart-ment at assignments in both England and South Wales. While serving as manager of AiG~UK, Paul authored more than eight books. Additionally, he wrote chapters in The New Answers Book series, acclaimed the world's best-selling apologetics book, and called "the essential resource for any believer" by Amazon.com reviewers. Paul's role at AIG also included traveling as an itinerant speaker, appearing on radio and TV programs, and debating with noted atheists such as Steve Jones and Richard Dawkins.

Paul serves as co-host of the growingly popular Creation Today show. His dry, British humor, his scientifically genius mind, and his thorough and solid foundation in Scripture are evident in the weekly show. These may be viewed online at www.creationtoday.org. In addition to his work in the field of apologetics, Paul writes and performs classical, popular, and sacred music. Several churches of which he has been a member have been blessed to have Paul serve as their worship leader. Paul and his wife Geri reside in Pensacola, Florida with three of their five children.

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Evidence for ID

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Evidence against evolution - Evidence for intelligent design

Discussion programme featuring 4 creationists explaining the evidence against the theory of evolution. Presented by surgeon Dr Vij Sodera, with guests David Rosevear PHD chemistry, Paul Garner BSc (Hons) geology/biology, Philip Bell BSc (Hons) zoology

present observable evidence against evolution theory evidence for intelligent design

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Fossils Fact and Fiction

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Fossils Fact and Fiction - Dr Marc Surtees

http://www.edinburghcreationgroup.org | Dr Marc Surtees examines the fossil evidence looking for clear signs of evolution.

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The Dino Bird Controversy

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The Dino Bird Controversy - Dr Marc Surtees

http://www.edinburghcreationgroup.org | Did birds evolve from dinosaurs? Dr Marc Surtees looks at the evidence from the fossil record. Subjects covered include: feathers, bone structure and breathing systems.

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The Human Heart

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Evolution Design and The Human Heart - George Marshall

Dr George Marshall examines the design features of the human heart.

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The Eye: Design or Evolution?

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The Eye: Design or Evolution? Dr George Marshall

Did the eye evolve from a simple layer of photo-sensitive cells into the eyes that we have today? Darwin remarked that ... "several facts make me suspect that any sensitive nerve may be rendered sensitive to light" ... but how do photo-sensitive cells work? Is the invertebrate eye really wired the wrong way round? Dr George Marshall an expert in anatomy, who specialised in the human eye for several years answers these questions and many more.

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Whales: Designed or Evolved?

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Whales - Designed or Evolved?
Marc Surtees

Whale anatomy is said to present one of the clearest examples of evolution through transitional stages. In this talk Dr Marc Surtees examines the fossil evidence for these transitions. He challenges the view that there is a neat set of transitions from land animals to whales.

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Dinosaurs, Genesis & the Gospel

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Dinosaurs, Genesis and the Gospel - Ken Ham

Join Ken Ham and Buddy Davis for this upbeat educational video. Its packed with music and fun biblical teaching! In these four videos, Ken and Buddy show kids that God created animals, including dinosaurs, on Day 6. Did dinosaurs roam the earth with Adam? Did T. rex dine on fruits and vegetables? How did dinosaurs fit on the Ark? Ken and Buddy (and Casey the dog!) answer these questions and more.

4 parts, approximately 30 minutes each.

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