Silly Christian Series

Silly Christian Series
How to evangelise - apologeet

Evangelising … How Then?

You’ve probably heard the following two comments: “I’m not much of an evangelist …” and “Evangelism isn’t really my thing.” Maybe you are that person who has also said this at times. And, it still gnaws at you! After all, we have received the command plain and clear in Matthew 28:19-20a Go ye therefore, and […]

🇬🇧 CONSPIRACIES — Don't we have Anything Better to do?

Conspiracies – Don’t we have Anything beter to do?

Conspiracies. We’re busy at it! And let’s face it, we’re good at it! So just a few theories: The moon landing was staged; the earth is flat, and they don’t want us to know it; the construction of the temple is all prepared; big pharma controls all medical research; the Covid jab was meant to […]

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