Dr. Kent Hovind


Dr. Kent Hovind
Kent Hovind

Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American young earth creationist. Hovind established the Creation Science Evangelism ministry in 1989, and frequently spoke on young Earth creationism at seminars at private schools and churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts.

Note: A lot has happened the past years in Hovind life. Some will say that this makes his message less trustworthy. Apologeet.nl does not know how much of all the controversy is true and for that reason we do not take a position in this. That being said, many of Hovind materials are a good source for educational usage. The fact that one can find Hovind material on this site does not automatically mean that Apologeet.nl agrees with everything Hovind says or what he is doing in daily life. (also see Apologeet’s disclaimer).


1 'The Age of the Earth'

Kent Hovind (Seminar 1) - The Age of the Earth

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Giving scientific evidence to prove a literal six-day creation, Dr. Kent Hovind refutes evolution's proposition that the earth has evolved over billions of years. The first of seven in the seminar series, The Age of the Earth, uncovers the follies of the Big Bang theory as well as exposing the religious beliefs of evolution.

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2 'The Garden of Eden'

Kent Hovind (Seminar 2) - The Garden of Eden

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The Garden of Eden, part two of the seminar series, describes the earth as it was before the worldwide flood. Dr. Hovind explains in detail how it was possible for man to live over 900 years, for plants and animals to grow much larger than today, and for dinosaurs to thrive along with man.

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3 'Dinosaurs and the Bible'

Kent Hovind (Seminar 3) - Dinosaurs and the Bible

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For many years, some thought the existence of dinosaurs discredited the Biblical account of creation. In part three of the seminar series, Dinosaurs and the Bible, Dr. Hovind traces the Biblical and historical references to dinosaurs and interviews people who claim they have seen living dinosaurs.

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4 'Lies in the Textbooks'

Kent Hovind (Seminar 4) - Lies in the Textbooks

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In part four of the seminar series, Dr. Hovind shows how public school textbooks are permeated with fraudulent information in order to convince students that evolution is true. Lies in the Textbooks is a must-see for every public school student, teacher, parent and school board member.

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5 'The Dangers of Evolution'

Kent Hovind (Seminar 5) - The Dangers of Evolution

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In The Dangers of Evolution, Dr. Hovind reveals the terrible effects that evolutionary beliefs have had on societies throughout history. Giving examples of evolution-based philosophies being used to rationalize the brutal acts of rulers, he exposes evolutionary propaganda in its effort toward the "New World Order."

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6 'The Hovind Theory'

Kent Hovind (Seminar 6) - The Hovind Theory

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The Hovind Theory blends scientific observations with Scripture in a fascinating explanation of what caused Noah's Flood, the ice age, the formation of coal, mountain ranges, and the Grand Canyon. Dr. Hovind gives logical answers to the physical anomalies that geologists cannot explain with the evolutionary theory.

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7a 'Q&A Session'

Kent Hovind (Seminar 7a) - Question and Answer Session

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The last in the seminar series, Questions and Answers, covers a variety of topics including radiometric dating and the speed of light in relation to star distance. In addition to "primitive man" and race origins, Dr. Hovind discusses the mark of the beast and supposed contradiction's in the Bible.

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7b 'Q&A Session'

Kent Hovind (Seminar 7b) - Question and Answer Session

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The last in the seminar series, Questions and Answers, covers a variety of topics including radiometric dating and the speed of light in relation to star distance. In addition to "primitive man" and race origins, Dr. Hovind discusses the mark of the beast and supposed contradiction's in the Bible.

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Leviathan - Job 41

Kent Hovind - Leviathan The Fire Breathing Dragon of Job 41

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Runtime:1h 15 min.

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Debate 01

Dr. Hovind at the University of West Florida

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Dr. Hovind at the University of West Florida
Runtime c. 2h 58min

A presentation by Dr. Kent Hovind of Creation Science Evangelism at the University of West Florida, this proved to be a very lively question and answer exchange as the anthropology class was shown the creation view of history! This tape is one of the best argumentative treatments on the subjects of creation, evolution, and dinosaurs available.

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Debate 02

Dr. Hovind vs. Biology Professor Dr. Ben Waggoner

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Dr. Hovind vs. Biology Professor Dr. Ben Waggoner - Debate 02
Runtime c. 2h 28min

Is the general theory of evolution a science or a religion? Biology professor Dr. Ben Waggoner of the University of Central Arkansas defends evolution as a science. Dr. Hovind presents evolution as an un-scientific religion. Excellent question and answer session with the audience.

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Debate 03

Dr. Hovind - Genesis: History or Myth?

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Genesis: History or Myth?
Runtime c.2h 9min.

Kent Hovind and Mike Schultz (creationists) take on Terry Prewitt and Nick Power (evolutionists). In this standing room only debate, over 400 listened as Dr. Hovind defended Genesis as being historically and scientifically accurate. Anthropology professor and Genesis scholar of the University of West Florida, Dr. Terry Prewitt, presents Genesis as a myth written for political gain by Hebrew priests.

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Debate 04

Dr. Hovind - Should Evolution be Taught in the Public Schools?

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Should Evolution be Taught in Public Schools?
Runtime c.2h 30min.

Dr. Kent Hovind of Creation Science Evangelism vs Dr. Richard B. Weisenburg, professor of geology at Temple University November 12, 2002 Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Why do taxpayers finance teaching the religion of evolution? In this thought-provoking debate, Dr. Hovind contends that evolution is a religion that should not be taught in public schools. He also reveals the theory's damaging effects on students.

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Debate 05

Dr. Hovind - Does Geology Support Creation or Evolution

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Does Geology Support Creation or Evolution?
Runtime c.1h 33min.

In this debate with geology professor Dr. Hilpman at the University of Missouri, Dr. Kent Hovind defends the position that the earth's geology is best explained by a recent creation and a worldwide flood.

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Debate 06

Dr. Hovind - Does Biology Support Creation or Evolution

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Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Richardson, Biology Professor, Winona State University.
Runtime c.1h 49min.

Debating biology professor Dr Robyn Richardson at Winona State University in Minnesota, Dr. Kent Hovind continually asks for real scientific evidence for evolution without receiving an adequate answer. Listeners will conclude that all real biology supports the Biblical creation account.

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Debate 07

Dr. Hovind - The Genesis Flood

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The Genesis Flood - Dr. Kent Hovind vs Dr. Farrell Till.
Runtime c.2h 25min.

In this debate between Dr. Hovind and a former Church-of-Christ preacher-turned-atheist, the atheist contends that the Flood could not have happened as recorded in the Bible.
Dr. Hovind successfully defends the biblical account of the Flood as being scientifically and historically accurate.

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Debate 08

Dr. Hovind - Wayne State University - Detroit

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The last in the seminar series, Questions and Answers, covers a variety of topics including radiometric dating and the speed of light in relation to star distance. In addition to "primitive man" and race origins, Dr. Hovind discusses the mark of the beast and supposed contradiction's in the Bible.

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Debate 09

Dr. Hovind - Hovind vs Bartelt

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Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Karen Bartelt (PhD in Biochemistry) of Eureka College.
Runtime c. 2h 04min.

Dr. Karen Bartelt of Eureka College, IL, Ph.D. in biochemistry and outspoken evolutionist, tries to show that evolution is scientific. Because so many topics left unanswered questions, we have added post-debate comments by Dr. Hovind. Many said that this debate delivered the most lively exchange they have witnessed. supports the Biblical creation account.

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Debate 10

Dr. Hovind - Is Evolution a Reasonable Scientific Theory

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Dr. Hovind vs Dr. James Paulson, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh.
Runtime c.2h 13min.

Is Evolution a Reasonable Scientific Theory? Dr. Kent Hovind vs Dr. James Paulson

Dr. James Paulson, professor of biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, tries to defend evolution as a valid scientific theory to the room crammed with university students.
April 2000.

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Debate 11

Dr. Hovind - Does Anthropology Support Creation or Evolution

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Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Mark Hartman, University of Arkansas Anthropology professor.
Runtime c.2h 17min.

Dr. Mark Hartman, anthropology professor, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, tries to use variation within a kind to prove his world view of evolution.
March 2000.

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Debate 12

Dr. Hovind - Does Botany Support Creation or Evolution

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Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Massimo Pigliucci, University of Tennessee professor - Does Botany Support Creation or Evolution?
Runtime 2h 55min.

Dr. Massimo Pigliucci, assistant professor of botany at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, has received over $650,000 to study evolution but still has not discovered any proof of evolution-his field of expertise! The recording quality is poor, but the material is so great that we decided we had to offer it.

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Debate 13

Dr. Hovind - Rutgers University Round 1

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Rutgers University Round 1 - Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Trivers, Anthropology & Biological Sciences professor.
Runtime c. 1h 46min.

Watch Dr. Hovind debate a Anthropology & Biological Sciences professor Dr. Robert Trivers from Rutgers University! This particular professor is very hostile to the young earth, creation position in general, and Dr. Hovind in particular!

Round 2 of the debate can be watched in debate 16.

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Debate 14

Dr. Hovind - Is There Evidence for Evolution

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Is There Evidence for Evolution? Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Matthew Rainbow, biology professor, Antelope Valley College.
Runtime c. 2h 51min.

Dr. Hovind debates Dr. Matthew Rainbow, a PhD in molecular biology & biochemistry. Dr. Rainbow sounds defeated before the debate is over.

"Dr. Matthew Rainbow is a Professor of General and Molecular Cell Biology at Antelope Valley College in Lancaster, California. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of California at Santa Barbara, a Master's Degree in Education from Claremont Graduate School, and a PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from the University of California at Irvine. His doctoral work centered around DNA replication in the centromeres of human cells, and his post-doctoral work involved the role of nucleosomes in the control of eukaryotic gene expression. He has been teaching at Antelope Valley College for twenty years, and his lecture specialty is Evolutionary Developmental Biology ("Evo-Devo"), a subject on which he enjoys producing state of the art graphics and animations. He also specializes in the history and underlying science of the Creation-Evolution debate, as well as modern Historical Criticism of the Judeo-Christian scriptures." - Source: http://www.veritas.org/Presenters.aspx?pid=4.

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Debate 15

Dr. Hovind - Three Views - Who's Right

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3 Views - Biblical Creation, Theistic Evolution & Evolution - Kent Hovind, Kyle Frazier, & Michael Shermer.
Runtime c. 2h 27min.

April 25th, 2003 Dr. Hovind takes on Kyle Frazier and Dr. Michael Shermer at Emmanuel Christian Center, Minneapolis, MN.

In this debate Kent Hovind defends the position that the Bible is literally true, the earth is six thousand years old and the evolution theory is retarded. Kyle Frazier maintains the position that the earth is billions of years old, but God created it. This is commonly called the Theistic Evolution Position or the Progressive Creation Position.

Michael Shermer, editor of Skeptic Magazine and author of How to Debate a Creationist, maintains the position that there is no God necessary and evolution can explain everything.

There was a packed house! See Dr. Hovind successfully defend the literal Biblical view against the evolution theory, and show that God did not need evolution to create the world.

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Debate 16

Dr. Hovind - Rutgers University - Round 2

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Rutgers University Round 2 - Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Trivers.
Runtime c.2h 7Min.

Watch Round 1 of the debate 13. Taped on October 21st, 2003, Northern Highlands High School, Allendale, NJ.

Dr. Trivers, Professor at Rutgers University, obviously still excited from the previous debate, again tries to defend the evolution theory as being scientific. The sound quality is a little poor, but it's sure interesting to see him defend his faith in the theory of evolution.

Use these debates to prepare yourself for discussions on creation and evolution with your friends or family.

Round 1 of the debate can be found here

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Debate 17

Dr. Hovind - The Great Compromise

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The Great Compromise - Old Earth (Jayman Dick) vs Young Earth (Kent Hovind).
Runtime c.2h 14min.

Dr. Hovind vs. Jayman Dick, old earth creationist. Taped January 30th, 2004 at Bethel Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN.

See for yourself how a public school education can cause you to compromise the plain teachings of Scripture. Jayman defends the position that the Bible must be blended with current accepted scientific theories. Dr. Hovind, as usual, take the position the Bible does not need to be compromised with anything. It is fine as it is. See why the old earth position is unscriptural, unscientific and unnecessary.

Many Christians today don't even know why this debate is important! Many say, "Who cares how old the earth is?" Well, this will show you just how important this foundation is.

If evolution is true, then the credibility of Genesis, Jesus, and the Bible is at stake!

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Debate 18

Dr. Hovind - Berkeley Finally Hears the Truth

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Berkeley Finally Hears the Truth - Dr. Hovind vs the Audience.
Runtime c.2h 40min.

A faithful servant of the Lord tried for 6 months to get even one professor from Berkeley University to debate Dr. Kent Hovind. Over 160 professors at Berkeley University refuse to take the challenge--even when money was offered to them!

Since no one would debate him, Dr. Hovind spoke for an hour and took questions for almost another hour and a half. See for yourself the incredible hostility the liberals show when someone challenges their evolution world-view. This was Dr. Hovind's second trip to Berkeley and the crowd gets more hostile each time. If you like to watch a good fight, you will really like this video.

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Debate 19

Dr. Hovind - Three on One

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Three on One! - Dr. Hovind vs 3 Embry-Riddle University Professors.
Runtime c.2h 21min.

Taped at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL on April 17th, 2004, this evolution vs. creation science debate features Professor R. Luther Reisbig,

Associate Professor Reinhold Schlieper, and Professor Jim Strayer taking on Dr. Hovind.

This debate was very well put together, and there is a great question & answer time at the end. The lively crowd makes it an exciting debate to watch! See for yourself the incredible frustration and anger that comes out at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University when the evolution theory is challenged. Watching this debate will help you be able to take on anybody who believes in evolution.

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Debate 20

Dr. Hovind - How to Debate a Creationist

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How to Debate a Creationist - Dr. Michael Shermer vs Dr. Hovind.
Runtime c.2h 12min.

University of California - Irvine. April 29th, 2004 It was a packed house at the University of California at Irvine on the evening of April 29th, 2004 when Dr. Kent Hovind took on Michael Shermer, the editor of Skeptic Magazine and an outspoken evolutionist.

Dr. Michael Shermer wrote the book How to Debate a Creationist. Watch this debate and see if you think he knows how. See why over 3,000 professors have now refused to debate Dr. Hovind!

Use these debates to prepare yourself for discussions on creation and evolution with your friends or family. These debates make a great witnessing tool to win the lost to Christ.

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Debate 21-23

Old Earth vs Young Earth Debate - Dr. Hugh Ross & Dr. Kent Hovind (1 to 3).

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Old Earth vs Young Earth Debate - Dr. Hugh Ross & Dr. Kent Hovind (1 to 3).
Part 1: c.1h 29min.
Part 2: c.1h 11min.
Part 3: c.2h 14min.

A mesmerizing debate between two men well known in their fields of expertise. This three-DVD set features Dr. Kent Hovind, a staunch young earth creationist, and Dr. Hugh Ross,

who believes the earth is billions of years old, but somehow considers himself a creationist. Includes post-debate commentary by James Sundquist, who has done an eight-year study on Ross' teachings, and Dr. Dan Faulkner, Professor of Astronomy at University of South Carolina.

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Debate 24

Dr Kent Hovind vs Dr Eugenie Genie Scott Radio Debate

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Dr Kent Hovind vs Dr Eugenie Genie Scott Radio Debate
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Broadcast on WBT Radio, (Charlotte, NC) in 1993. Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Indoctrination debates Young Earth Creationist Kent Hovind.

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CSE-101 Classes 1-10

CSE-101 Classes 1-10

CSE-101 Classes 1-10

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CSE-101 Classes 1-10 with Dr. Hovind.

Class 1: 1h 27min.
Class 2: 1h 16min.
Class 3: 1h 10min.
Class 4: 1h 14min.
Class 5: 1h 22min.
Class 6: 1h 09min.
Class 7: 1h 04min.
Class 8: 1h 16min.
Class 9: 1h 04min.
Class 10: 1h 10min.
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A biblical and scientific study with a focus on the age of the earth, this course investigates the scientific evidence that the earth is young and the Bible is scientifically accurate. The big bang theory is examined in detail. Also thoroughly addressed is how the environment of the original creation differs from ours today, how it allowed men to live over nine hundred years, how it allowed for the production of huge plants, and how it provided conditions favourable for dinosaurs to survive.

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CSE-102 Classes 1-10

CSE-102 Classes 1-10

CSE-102 Classes 1-10

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CSE-102 Classes 1-10 with Dr. Hovind.

Class 1: 1h 02min.
Class 2: 1h 07min.
Class 3: 57min.
Class 4: 1h 21min.
Class 5: 1h 10min.
Class 6: 1h 20min.
Class 7: 53min.
Class 8: 1h 06min.
Class 9: 1h 11min.
Class 10: 57min.
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This course is a detailed study of the history of dinosaurs and false evidence for evolution in the textbooks. Research the evidence that dinosaurs were carried on the ark and discover the times they were mentioned in the Bible. Learn about the many historical and archaeological records of dinosaurs made by man throughout history, from early Babylonian times to present encounters with living dinosaurs. You will learn how most dinosaurs died off, as well as how earlier generations played a great part in their near extinction.

See how evolutionists have permeated public school textbooks with false and fraudulent information simply to promote their religious worldview. You will uncover the misinformation still found in many textbooks: geologic column, the so-called embryonic recapitulation, and other false assumptions.

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CSE-103 Classes 1-10

CSE-103 Classes 1-10

CSE-103 Classes 1-10

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CSE-103 Classes 1-10 with Dr. Hovind.

Class 1: 1h 08min.
Class 2: 1h 12min.
Class 3: 1h 08min.
Class 4: 1h 12min.
Class 5: 1h 08min.
Class 6: 1h 18min.
Class 7: 1h 10min.
Class 8: 1h 08min.
Class 9: 58min.
Class 10: 1h 13min.
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This course focuses on the impracticality of biological evolution and the effects on human behaviour as well as government. The course teaches that the human organs, bacteria and fossils do not prove evolution, but makes very strong proof for intelligent design. Evolution affects humans and has made an extremely detrimental mark on human history. Communism and Nazism and their caustic influences are not dead, but still constantly eat at society's values.

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CSE-104 Classes 1-10

CSE-104 Classes 1-10

CSE-104 Classes 1-10

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CSE-104 Classes 1-10 with Dr. Hovind.

Class 1: 1h 11min.
Class 2: 1h 07min.
Class 3: 1h 08min.
Class 4: 55min.
Class 5: 1h 02min.
Class 6: 1h 03min.
Class 7: 1h 12min.
Class 8: 1h 16min.
Class 9: 1h 22min.
Class 10: 1h 16min.
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This course covers Part 6 and Part 7 of the Creation Seminar Series. The Hovind Theory blends Scripture and scientific observation to provide a fascinating explanation of the Flood, the Ice Age, and the formation of coal, mountain ranges, and the Grand Canyon. This course also covers the frequently asked questions that Dr. Hovind has been presented throughout his years in this ministry.

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CSE-201 Classes 1-10

CSE-201 Classes 1-10

CSE-201 Classes 1-10

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CSE-201 Classes 1-10 with Dr. Hovind.

Class 1: 1h 26min.
Class 2: 1h 24min.
Class 3: 1h 22min.
Class 4: 1h 23min.
Class 5: 1h 23min.
Class 6: 1h 30min.
Class 7: 1h 39min.
Class 8: 1h 12min.
Class 9: 1h 19min.
Class 10: 1h 26min.

The CSE 201 classes plough the same ground as the CSE 100 series but with even more depth and more up to date creation information. If you have seen CSE 101-201 you will still enjoy this series greatly. The 100 series is not a required prerequisite but you may find the 201 classes to be a bit of a challenge if you have not taken the 100 series.

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Kids DVD about dinosaurs

Kids DVD about dinosaurs

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Dr. Hovind teaches about the different kinds of dinosaurs. Geared for ages four to seven, Dr. Hovind keeps the children in suspense to learn the one thing about dinosaurs that he does not like!

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Why Evolution is Stupid

CSE Why Evolution is Stupid

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Dr. Kent Hovind Taped in Coer d' Alene june 4 2001

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Why Evolution is Stupid #2

More Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid

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This new "More Reasons Why Evolution is Stupid" DVD is a supplement to our "Why Evolution is Stupid" This video is fast-paced and will be sure to keep your attention!

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Answering the critics

Answering the critics

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Answering the critics show 1-8

There are thousands of anti-Hovind web sites out on the internet and here is the analysis of those websites. On Dr. Hovinds daily radio show he spent 8 shows going through and answering all the questions they have posted on their web-pages.

Answering the Critics show 1 - runtime: 51min.
Answering the Critics show 2 - runtime: 51min.
Answering the Critics show 3 - runtime: 51min.
Answering the Critics show 4 - runtime: 48min.
Answering the Critics show 5 - runtime: 50min.
Answering the Critics show 6 - runtime: 52min.
Answering the Critics show 7 - runtime: 51min.
Answering the Critics show 8 - runtime: 53min.

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A zealous Evolutionist

A Very Religiously zealous Evolutionist

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A Very Religiously zealous Evolutionist

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Public School Presentation

Public School Presentation

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Public School Presentation

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Creation Science Hour 2004

Creation Science Hour

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Creation Science Hour - Januari 2004

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

01-01-2004    02-01-2004    06-01-2004
08-01-2004    09-01-2004    13-01-2004

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Creation Science Hour

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Creation Science Hour - April-May 2004

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

23 April 2004    27 April 2004    5 May 2004
6 May 2004    11 May 2004    12 May 2004
18 May 2004    19 May 2004    21 May 2004
23 May 2004    24 May 2004    25 May 2004
26 May 2004    27 May 2004

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Creation Science Hour

Creation Science Hour - June 2004

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Creation Science Hour - June 2004

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

02-06-2004    03-06-2004    04-06-2004
08-06-2004    10-06-2004    11-06-2004
14-06-2004    15-06-2004    17-06-2004
19-06-2004    21-06-2004    22-06-2004
23-06-2004    24-06-2004    28-06-2004

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Creation Science Hour

Creation Science Hour - July 2004

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Creation Science Hour - July 2004

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

12-07-2004    13-07-2004    14-07-2004
19-07-2004    20-07-2004    21-07-2004
22-07-2004    23-07-2004    26-07-2004
27-07-2004    29-07-2004    30-07-2004

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Creation Science Hour

Creation Science Hour - August 2004

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Creation Science Hour - August 2004

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

02-08-2004    03-08-2004    05-08-2004
10-08-2004    12-08-2004    16-08-2004
17-08-2004    18-08-2004    23-08-2004
24-08-2004    25-08-2004    26-08-2004
30-08-2004    31-08-2004

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Creation Science Hour

Creation Science Hour - May 2005

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Creation Science Hour - May 2005

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

10-05-2005    11-05-2005    12-05-2005
13-05-2005    16-05-2005    17-05-2005
18-05-2005    20-05-2005    23-05-2005
24-05-2005    25-05-2005    26-05-2005
27-05-2005    31-05-2005

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Creation Science Hour

Creation Science Hour - June 2005

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Creation Science Hour - June 2005

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

01-06-2005    06-06-2005    07-06-2005
09-06-2005    15-06-2005    16-06-2005
17-06-2005    21-06-2005    23-06-2005
24-06-2005    27-06-2005    28-06-2005

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Creation Science Hour

Creation Science Hour - July 2005

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Creation Science Hour - July 2005

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

01-07-2005    05-07-2005    07-07-2005
08-07-2005    11-07-2005    12-07-2005
13-07-2005    14-07-2005    15-07-2005
18-07-2005    19-07-2005    20-07-2005
21-07-2005    22-07-2005    25-07-2005
26-07-2005    27-07-2005    28-07-2005

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Creation Science Hour

Creation Science Hour - August 2005

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Creation Science Hour - August 2005

Audio recording of Kent Hovind's 'Creation Science Hour'.

01-08-2005    02-08-2005    03-08-2005
04-08-2005    05-08-2005    08-08-2005
09-08-2005    10-08-2005    24-08-2005

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