Posts Tagged / Dangerous

Is Religious Upbringing like Child-Abuse?

🇬🇧 Is it Child-Abuse to Teach Religion to Your Child? We have been blessed with five children. All five we have brought up with the Christian faith as our guiding principle. They don’t know any better or daddy preaches Gospel to everybody and everyone else. Three of them have been baptised. Entirely on their own initiative, by the way. But yes, if some people are […]

The Rapture

THE RAPTURE [Dangerous Ideas Emerging in the Church of Christ] Dangerous Ideas in the Church of Christ Introduction Many dear brothers and sisters I know believe in the rapture before the great tribulation or pre-trib rapture as they call it. The main text used for this comes from 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with […]